To provide and maintain a central organization for the promotion of efficiency, progress, knowledge, educational skills development, welfare and development among persons engaged or employed in the motor assessment industry or motor body repair estimating industry, which the short-term insurance industry and the motor industry form a part of respectively…
To provide and maintain a central organization for the promotion of efficiency, progress, knowledge, educational skills development, welfare and development among persons engaged or employed in the motor assessment industry or motor body repair estimating industry, which the short-term insurance industry and the motor industry form a part of respectively…
Members Policy
The VDQGBSA membership operates either as independent practitioners or employees in the corporate world, industry or government. The majority of the members work in insurance companies or auto-body repair entities.
Code of Conduct
A Code of Conduct is an extremely important document in a professional body. It is an instrument that will assist the VDQGBSA in guiding its membership to maintain their integrity and that of the profession and to deal with a variety of situations to ensure compliance and manage conflicts of interest. It will help to regulate the behaviour of those working in the vehicle damage quantification sector.
CPD Policy
Continuing Professional Development is a lifelong learning commitment and can be described as a systematic and measurable development process by professional members to maintain current competency levels and acquire new knowledge and skills in the practice of vehicle quantification.
RPL policy
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in South Africa is critical to the development of an equitable education and training system. As such, a policy to develop and facilitate implementation of RPL across all sectors of education and training, including professional bodies, is critical.The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines to those who feel aggrieved by decisions taken by the Committees or the Board of the VDQGBSA.
Disciplinary Procedure Policy
Continuing Professional Development is a lifelong learning commitment and can be described as a systematic and measurable development process by professional members to maintain current competency levels and acquire new knowledge and skills in the practice of vehicle quantification.
Foreign Qualifications Policy
There is extensive global mobility of personnel in all professions and occupations, and the vehicle damage quantification sector is no exception. The VDQGBSA like all professional bodies will facilitate the mobility of vehicle damage quantifiers and insurance motor vehicle assessors from all over the world. The VDQ acknowledges that its policy on the recognition of foreign qualifications will meet South African national requirements.
Appeals process policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines to those who feel aggrieved by decisions taken by the Committees or the Board of the VDQGBSA.
Refund Policy
In the event that the VDQ should supply goods or services incorrectly, items that are damaged or that fail to meet the published claims or specifications, the VDQ undertakes to refund, in full, any moneys received from the purchaser in payment for the defective goods or services.
Transformation policy
Despite great strides made by post-apartheid South Africa, economic and social inequality is still a significant part of the country’s daily life. Many sectors and organisations are slowly beginning to transform from the level of management and leadership downwards.