Overview on the Vehicle Damage Qualification
The Motor Insurance and Repair Industries are subjected to ever increasing demands on cost effectiveness as a result of the unprecedented increase in the cost of accident or other repairs brought about by public awareness of safety features, fuel efficiency, and economic maintenance of the unsurpassed technologically advanced modern day motor vehicle.
- That a Qualification in “Vehicle Damage Quantification” be introduced to ensure that those operating in the fields of Vehicle Repair Estimating and Assessing are certified competent to evaluate the scope, method, and process of repairs including determining of the correct parts required to reinstate a vehicle to the condition it was in, immediately before the incident happened that necessitated repair work.
- That Learnerships and Skills programs are developed to ensure that Learners and others entering the field of Vehicle Damage Quantification (Estimating & Assessing) are introduced to the factors directly impacting on the sustainability and market share of the Employer.
- The introduction of Learners to modern day body and paint repair techniques to ensure that the vehicles performance, safety abilities, economy, style and resale value is not compromised.
- The protection of the owner’s interest, the vehicle in many cases being one’s only or most valued asset, while simultaneously protecting the vested interest of third parties such as Insurance Companies and Finance houses – and
- The prevention of loss of income to the Insurer due to reduced insured value as a result of poor repairs or policy cancellations
The primary skill that is recognised in this Qualification is the ability to understand and apply the relevant knowledge of auto body construction, passive and active safety systems including supplementary safety restraint systems and devices, automotive mechanical, electrical and electronics’, in order to quantify the cost of reinstating a motor vehicle to the condition it was in before the incident that gave rise to the need for repair work happened.
The Qualification also provides a platform for the recognition of prior learning (RPL) to the Vehicle Damage Quantifier designate and provides Training Providers with the standards and range of learning required to effectively train candidates aspiring to work in the field of damage appraisal. I.e. Estimating and Assessing.
Of a consequence enabling the Vehicle Damage Quantifier to meet the challenges of an ever changing and technologically advancing Industry whilst also serving to develop “new skills for new technology”
This qualification focuses on developing skills and knowledge necessary to begin a career in Vehicle Damage Quantification. While providing those who have already gained relevant experience in this field with an opportunity to obtain credits thru the RPL process
Furthermore this qualification recognises the skills, knowledge, and values relevant in the workplace and will cater for Operators and Learners who:
- Have attended relevant courses and need to apply their knowledge gained to activities in their operational fields of endeavour.
- Are already working and have acquired skills and knowledge without having attended formal training
- Are part of a Learner ship/Internship programme which integrates structured learning and operational experience.
- Are desirous to have their ability’s, competence, and experience adjudicated in a formal Qualification.