The Vehicle Damage Quantification Board of South Africa – the VDQGBSA is a new body which strives, in collaboration with Stakeholders, affiliates and members to develop and uphold the professional qualification and status of vehicle damage quantifiers.
The Objectives of the VDQGBSA is to:
- Create an awareness of the unique skills and competencies required to appraise a damaged modern-day technically advanced motor vehicle in order to successfully restore it to its pre-accident condition and to simultaneously uplift the image of those individuals operating in the field of vehicle damage quantification and vehicle repairs.
- Provide and maintain a central organisation for the promotion of efficiency, progress, knowledge, educational skills development, welfare and development among persons engaged or employed in the motor assessment industry or the or motor body repair estimating industry, which the short-term insurance industry and the motor industry form a part of respectively.
- Promote the recognition of specific professional designations as the standards required to operate within the Insurance, Motor Assessment and Motor Body Repair Estimating industries.
- Encourage, promote and assist with the study of and/or development of any subject material or skills development relating to Motor Assessors or Motor Body Repair Estimators
- Advise on academic standards, qualifications and skills development for members in the motor assessment industry or motor body repair estimating industry.
- promote the profession of vehicle damage quantification and to provide information and advice regarding career guidance in the motor assessing industry or motor body estimating industry.
The VDQGBSA conforms to the requirements of the QCTO, Quality Council for Trades and Occupations
The VDQGBSA comply with the SAQA requirements to be recognized as a professional body.