Annual Chairman Report 2022
Good evening, ladies & gentlemen, I would like to extend a big welcome to all members. My name is Youlon Naidoo, and I am the current chairman of the VDQGBSA board for the period 2022/2023.
There is misunderstanding in the market that as soon as the QCTO have approve the assessment instruments and have been appointed assessment centres for members to obtain the VDQ Qualification the current Certified Vehicle Damage Quantifiers that went through the VDQGBSA RPL&E process to be Certified as as Vehicle Damage Quantifier will lose their VDQ status.
THIS IS NOT THE TRUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
The VDQGBSA Board has made the following appointments to its strategic and operational structures.
The VDQGBSA Board has made the following appointments to its strategic and operational structures.
- History
- Business Status
- Financial Overview
- Function of a Professional Body
- Professional Membership Status
- Vision and Mission
- High level Strategic Overview
- Operational Structures. (Board, NEC & REC’s)
- How to become a VDQGBSA member.
- The 3 x ways to obtain a VDQ professional designation and membership as a Certified Vehicle Damage Quantifier and to be loaded on the SAQA NLRD system. (VDQGBSA/SAQA RPL&E, QCTO RPL and VDQ Qualification)
- Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Process for Professional Members
New CPD cycle will start on the 01 January 2023
The CPD Committee have approved a CPD points awarding Directive:
Every Professional member shall be required to furnish the CPD Committee with all the particulars of a CPD activity completed in any one year of a three-year cycle, with the proviso that an average of 10 CPD Points per year must be accrued in three cycles.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place on the 20 June 2023 from 17H00 plus minus 120 members had attend the meeting. The Board and Management like extent their gratitude to these members that make the effort to attend the meeting.
Summary of meeting:
1.1 Opening and Welcome
The Chairman Youlon Naidoo opened the meeting and welcomed all present at the 5th Annual General meeting of the VDQGBSA, held on 20 June 2023 and the time 17h10.
1.2 Constitution of the Meeting
The meeting was held in a Microsoft Teams format. A quorum in terms of the Constitution which provides for 6% attendance, 5% by MST attendance and 1% by Proxy was established. Members that joined the MST Meeting were as follows:
- Members Present in Person: 107
- Members Present by Proxy: 0
- Total Numbers of Members Present: 107
- Required to attend 38
1.3 Adoption of Agenda
The Chairman presented the agenda and requested proposals for the agenda to be adopted.
The adoption of the agenda was proposed by: Danie de Kock.
And seconded by: Eddie da Silva and Dave Colin.
1.4 Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Annual General Managers Meeting
Chairman commented that everybody received the AGM pack, and that the meeting may proceed. Chairman presented the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 21st June 2022 at 17h00-19h00 page by page. He requested a proposal that the Minutes be adopted as true and correct by:
Rithesh Sewbhujjan proposed that the Minutes be adopted as true and correct
The Proposal was Seconded by: Frans Henning
1.5 Presentation of Chairman’s Report
Good evening, ladies & gentlemen, I would like to extend a big welcome to all members. My name is Youlon Naidoo, and I am the current chairman of the VDQGBSA board for the period 2022/2023. On behalf of our esteemed VDQGBSA board members I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your time and presence in attending this virtual AGM. This evening I have the pleasure to present to you the Governance structure and the chairman’s report which will highlight the activities of the VDQGBSA board for the past year.

The year 2022 filled with both positive and negative challenges for all South African businesses including VDQGBSA. The remnants of COVID 19 still looming as we remember factories and businesses closing to contain the pandemic and the effects this had on the South African economy. A sigh of relief at the recent announcement in May 2023 from the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring an end to COVID-19 as a public health emergency. Then another blow to our economy as the Russia-Ukraine war disrupts our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The war brings with it higher food and fuel prices, lower revenue from tourism and possibly more complications accessing international markets and parts. The good shines through as well with SA’s first black female Plant Launch Engineer at the body shop of Fords Silverton assembly plant in Pretoria. This along with the announcement that car owners can now renew their vehicles licenses via Pick ‘n Pays new online system. However, we also had some fun with Argentina winning the epic world cup and who can forget that Will Smith slapped the Shhh out of Chris Rock at the 94th Oscars in Hollywood. Back on South African soil we continue to see climate change added its flair with floods, rain and hail resulting in significant damage to an already battered economy and our president calling the floods a catastrophe of enormous proportion and declaring a national state of disaster. Picking up the pieces in a race of rebuilding our beautiful South Africa starts with each one of us. With access to areas significantly restricted digital assessments is the new norm to quantify damage. The VDQGBSA board faced some tough challenges all-round given the sensitivity of the economy and had to persevere to ensure the continued success of our industry professional body. With confident well-informed decisions and solid strategic objectives, the board endeavored to gain the full support from you our entire industry being MBR, Insurer and Independent assessors.
The industry had to deal with many challenges including global supply chain disruption of parts due to the war in Ukraine, persistent loadshedding hampering businesses productivity, interest rate increases adding significant pressure on consumers, fuel increases and an overall downward trend in unemployment and growth. Digital assessing techniques accompanied with artificial intelligence via algorithms continue to assert its pressure as a new norm of doing business via a dynamic digital economy. Digital technology and automation are the order of the day with autonomous vehicles, automated claims processes and image recognition software storming our industry at high speed.
Enhancements to our CPD platform will ensure that you have access to the all the latest technology and advancements that is covered in our continuous development programs. Although CPD remains the responsibility of the member, VDQGBSA provides the platform for you to access and gain CPD points to maintain your CPD compliance. We also circulated directives to all members on how to register and claim your CPD points.
The only consistent is change and our industry sees these changes each day and our adaptability to keep up to date with the ever-changing technology becomes a crucial part of our success. Continuous technical training within each sector remains crucial for both MBR’s and Insurers alike this coupled with specific insurance related training on what the t’s and c’s are regarding insurable items.
Looking back to when VDQGBSA was initially created it remained pivotal to reflect on the “WHO” and “WHY” VDQ was initially created.
WHO created VDQ?
VDQ was born from an industry initiative created from a collaboration between MBR’s, Insurers and Independent assessors. Thus, the industry created VDQ!
WHY was VDQ created?
YOU the industry MBR’s, Insurers and Independent assessors saw a need for a vehicle damage qualification. The need to create one unique platform for standards across the motor quantification industry. It would thus be safe to say that VDQ is fully and wholly dependent on the ENTIRE MBR, Insurer and independent assessor industry to guarantee its success and future sustainability. It is only through active membership that this goal can effectively be reached and continue. The full support of each industry role-player will see the expansion of VDQ, and the possibility of reduced membership fees thus becomes more of a reality. The ability of VDQGBSA to prevent barriers to entry and to ensure the upliftment of previously disadvantaged individuals is one of our key objectives. VDQ in essence is a professional body created by the industry for the industry!
Statutory status and Value proposition
- The VDQGBSA is registered as a Non-Profit Company (NPC) 2013/069831/108 in terms of Section 14 of the Companies Act 2008.
- The VDQGBSA is registered with the South Africa Qualifications Authority (SAQA) as a Non-Statutory Professional Body ID Number: 1049
- To be considered as Professional Body one needs to host Professional Designations that is linked to a National Qualification: i.e.
- Professional Designations: Certified Vehicle Damage Quantifier
- National Qualification: Vehicle Damage Quantifier, SAQA QUAL ID 99507
VDQGBSA is governed by SAQA’s 3 compulsory pillars of a professional body:
- Sustainability
- Accountability
- Professional Competence
VDQ Value Proposition for members
VDQ aims to effectively promote skills development by encouraging the acquisition of the VDQ qualification and or the designation of the Vehicle Damage Quantifier within the motor industry sector. Our objective is to create an Industry platform for assessors and estimator to belong to a recognized vehicle damage quantification professional body which supports the nature of the skillset. It is with this in mind that we want to enhance the assessor and estimator skills by ensuring continuous professional development.
VDQ will assist individuals to achieve the VDQ Qualification or the Professional Designation by providing infrastructure, meaningful information, support, and advice. The upskilling of previously disadvantaged individuals and the prevention of barrier to entry remains a key focus point. Creating awareness with the public at large and industry role players of the unique skills and competencies required to appraise a damaged modern-day technically advanced motor vehicle to successfully restore it to its pre-accident condition. Uplifting the image of the assessors and estimators operating in the field of vehicle damage quantification. Also, to establish and maintain a governance practice to ensure the professional body operates according to good corporate governance, an ethical code of conduct and conforms to its constitution and memorandum of incorporation as prescribed by SAQA and the companies Act.
Ways to obtain VDQ SAQA Certification
- Through the VDQGBSA / SAQA RPL&E process for current practitioners with certain minimum requirements
- By first obtaining the VDQ qualification through the statuary RPL process at a QCTO training provider / occupational assessment centre (OAC)
- Or achieve the VDQ qualification through normal learning at a QCTO accredited training provider plus 18 month’s workplace experience
What has kept us busy?
- Structured functionality of the Regional Executive Committee’s and National Executive Committee. The success of this strategic decision by the board is starting to show positive results
- Successful launch of the first awards ceremony by the RECs of SE and NW regions.
- Proven continued support experienced from SAIA as well as the representation of SAIA on the board and NEC
- Proven and continued support of CRA
- Onboarding of 200 SAMBRA members via a special project, the support of SAMBRA on the board and on the NEC
- Onboarding of Net Assess
- Launch of the CPD platform and learning HUB including the “did you know” information portal.
- Improving the AVID system to enhance registration of new members. We also busy digitising the application and registration process.
- SAQA official LOGO will now appear on all professional members VDQ certificates
- Continued industry engagement to grow the membership and advertise the value proposition
- Assisting our members to prepare a relevant Portfolio of Evidence (POE) to obtain the Qualification thru the RPL Process.
- Improve the VDQGBSA Internal RPL SAQA approved process to award professional status to current Practicing members wishing to promote to Professional status through concession
- Newsletter sent monthly to all members containing quality information with links to platforms for continued learning.
- Redesign of the web which is now much more functional
Strategic Objectives
- Education of Members:
- Apply the VDQ internal RPL accreditation for all members that qualify before the authorities close the grace period and require members to complete the full qualification.
- Subscribe to Continuous Development Programs to ensure a Professional member remains knowledgeable on new technology and repair methods.
- Growth of VDQGBSA:
- Grow the membership and promote the VDQ to become the strength in the industry.
- Position the profession that the VDQ concept becomes self-regulated in the industry
- Position the VDQGBSA in the industry to act as catalyst between the Motor Manufactures, Motor Body Repairs, and Insurance Industry.
- Governance:
- Imbed the governance structure in business to ensure Professional Members operate in the ambit of Constitution of the VDQGBSA
Membership Statistics
The table below illustrates the total membership with a split into members in good standing and members in default.

Table 1
VDQGBSA has a total membership of 1060 members which entails a 68% membership in good standing and a 14% membership in default. A total of 331 practicing members still need to go through the RPL process which is 31% of our total membership along with our professional members increasing to 303 which represents 29% of membership. The continuous discussion to onboard members across industry sectors is yielding good positive results.
Membership Split
The table below illustrates the total membership split per industry stakeholder

Fee Structure
Fees per year
The table below illustrates the Fees Structure per year.

Table 3
The membership fees for 2023 have been adjusted considering the difficulties currently faced and the fees structure for new members is R2450 with a registration fee of R1700. Existing members membership fees is R2450 and for professional members it is R2500.
Recognition Of Prior Learning (RPL Process)
RPL Process

The RPL process has seen 303 members successfully go through the RPL process and this constitutes 47% of the total 650 membership base in good standing. A total of 101 applications have been received by existing members to follow the RPL process which is a further 16% of the total membership.
Financials and Budget
The complete financial report will be delivered by our treasurer Alex Van der Horst. The budget is lean with many needed amendments made to see us through the difficult financial year. The VDQ Board none the less continues to make decision in the best interest of its members at hand.
The current VDQGBSA board of directors and its team of EXCO members represent a healthy combination of members from the MBR sector, Insurance sector and the independent assessing sector. This collective team has met regularly throughout 2022 on a pro bono basis to ensure the continued operation of VDQGBSA through tough and difficult circumstances. It is only through teamwork and collaboration that we managed to see the year through. I would like to take this opportunity to thanks each board member and each EXCO member for your continued support and work ethic towards VDQGBSA. A big thank you to our NEC and REC committee members for the diligent and excellent work throughout 2022 which resulting in good outcomes across the board. Thank you to our treasurer Alex for making sure that our financial are all up to date and for ensuring that we were able to keeps the lights on throughout this time. A special and dedicated thank you to our General Manager Andries Bekker, Elize Van Niekerk, Theo & Joan Schalkwyk for the commitment, dedication an utmost perseverance throughout 2022, we appreciate all your efforts!
Finally, we would like to welcome Marcel Van ruler, Rithesh Sewbhujjan, Zayd Bhamjee, Themba/Pamela as the newest members to the board, we look forward to your continued value add.
Youlon Naidoo
VDQGBSA Chairman
1.6 Presentation of Audited Financial Report:
Alex presented the Audited Financial Statements for the year ending 31st December 2022. He gave an overview on Income, Expenditure and how the Membership fee is calculated. He advised that the Financial Statements will be made available to members on request and will also be published on the VDQGBSA Website although it is still a confidential matter.
The AFS was presented to the Meeting which included a:
- Balance sheet / Statement of financial position discussed.
- Detailed Income Statement
- Detailed Cashflow explained.
- Standard Balance Sheet.
- Policies – Will be published for members to look at. Remains unchanged. Trade Receivables. Please keep in mind that our Auditors review us yearly and we are still a “going concern.”
If a member wants a copy of the financial statements, they can send an e-mail to accounts@vdqgbsa.co.za, or to Andries, Joan or Elize.
Youlon confirmed that the Financial Statements are transparent and that the VDQGBSA only has two paid employees, with three contracted staff being the Accountant, Admin Assistant and a CPD Learning cum Marketing subject matter expert. Everyone else including the Directors of the Board, , members of the National Executive Committee and members of the Regional Executive Committees works on a pro-bono basis i.e., on an unpaid basis.
The Financial Status will be loaded on VDQGBSA web page in due time.
1.6.1 Adoption of Audited Financial Statements
The Chairman called for the adoption of the Audited Financial Statements.
Adoption proposed by: Jacques Supra and Aldo Botha.
Adoption seconded by: Eugene du Plessis.
1.7 Adoption on changes to the Constitution
The Constitution was circulated to all members, with the numbers of the paragraphs to which changes were affected properly referenced and highlighted. The “new” Constitution will be made available on the VDQGBSA Website at www.vdqgbsa.co.za, should anyone want to view it.
The Chairman agreed that the Constitution need not be presented again and requests members to adopt, and second changes made.
Pierre Wiese proposed that the amendments to the Constitution be adopted.
The Proposal was Seconded by: Nikki Visser, Graeme Abbot, Raeez Le Fleur and Albert Opperman.
1.8 Confirmation of Nomination of Members to serve on Governance Board:
Andries explained that a director’s term of office is normally on a 3-year Cycle, and that some Directors’ cycles were reviewed as they are now nearing the end of or have already ended during the year. He advised that the appointment of these directors was made and was ratified by the Board during this morning’s Board meeting: i.e., he presented the following to the meeting and requested confirmation for a next three-year term in office of the undermentioned Directors, from the members present to. The Directors to be ratified are:
- Stephen Edward Kessell
- Thokozile Constance Mahlangu
- Marcelis Pierre van Ruler.
The Chairman gave members the opportunity to raise their hands for any objections.
No objections to the appointment of the Directors were received therefore they are considered as having been approved by the Members.
Youlon congratulated Marcel Van Ruler on his reappointment and welcome him to the Board of Directors. We have faith in this gentleman and am confident that he will add tremendous value, even if it is a lot of work. He thanked all Directors, NEC, and REC Members for sacrificing their time to help move this professional body forward. We look forward to your continued contribution to the VDQ.
1.9 General
The Chairman Youlon Naidoo asked if there are any questions?
He advised that we are delighted that SAMBRA is back on board and thanked Marcel for the role that he played in bringing this into being.
This brings us to the close of our Agenda, as of 18:26 we can officially say that the meeting is adjourned. Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to join and contributed also to all relevant stake holders that is part of the NEC, REC, and the Board, part of moving this vehicle forward. This is your industry platform. We need your support, your insight, your advice, your guidance. We are more than happy to field any questions, online or offline, should the need arise.
Have a great evening.
Meeting adjourned 18:26
There is misunderstanding in the market that as soon as the QCTO have approve the assessment instruments and have been appointed assessment centres for members to obtain the VDQ Qualification the current Certified Vehicle Damage Quantifiers that went through the VDQGBSA RPL&E process to be Certified as as Vehicle Damage Quantifier will lose their VDQ status.
THIS IS NOT THE TRUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
SAQA and VDQGBSA wishes to give recognition to those individuals that have been practicing for years in the vehicle damage quantification industry and who apply their unique skills and knowledge as a vehicle damage quantifier. Therefore, SAQA has approved a process whereby the VDQGBSA can give Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience (RPL&E) to these members to register them as Certified Vehicle Damage Quantifiers and load them on the SAQA National Leaner Record Database against the Occupation of Vehicle Damage Quantifier.
- This culminated in a Career for individuals that opened a new avenue for employment and ensure quality standards.
- The VDQGBSA is the custodian of this Occupation and career which includes awarding the SAQA – South African Qualifications Authority’s – designation – Certified Vehicle Damage Quantifier
- To be recognised and certified as a member of the Community of Expert Practitioners in vehicle damage quantification, is an accolade by the SAQA and an adjudication of one’s unique competence in a very highly regarded profession.
- The Vehicle Damage Quantification profession is not an inferior profession as is validated by the 504 Credits the VDQ Qualification is made up of
2.2 There are three routes to obtain Professional Designation as a VDQ:
- VDQ Qualification at a QCTO Training and Assessment provider plus 18 Months Workplace Experience.
- VDQ Qualification through a RPL process at a QCTO Training and Assessment
- Certified VDQ through the VDQGBSA/SAQA RPLE process for current practitioners with certain minimum requirements.

3.1 The CPD Committee has update the CPD points awarding Directive:
Want to stay ahead of the industry and to comply with SAQA requirements for professional practitioners?
The VDQGBSA Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programs will help you grow your knowledge in the field of your profession and keep improving your competence.
3.2 The VDQGBSA CPD Committee mandate.
It is important to note that the CPD committee is the custodian of YOUR CPD Program and is obligated to ensure that you develop your expertise, grow professionally, and enhance your career as a member of the VDQGBSA. To enable the VDQGBSA to manage your CPD requirements the VDQGBSA must continually ensure that their CPD Program meets the necessary requirements to ensure your success. The VDQGBSA is therefore mandated to continually review their CPD Program to ensure its stays relevant and of a consequence it must continually revisit the CPD Directive and effect changes it deems appropriate.
3.3 The CPD Committee Mandate.
The CPD Committee will award CPD points according to their discretion in terms of the categories and point allocations using the guidelines as set out under point No 5: Categories of Activities that qualifies for CPD Points.
3.4 CPD Requirements for Professional Members.
Keep learning. Keep earning.
Every Professional member shall be required to furnish the CPD Committee with all the particulars of a CPD activity completed in any one year of a three-year cycle, with the proviso that an average of 10 CPD Points per year must be accrued in three cycles.
3.5 CPD Three-Year Cycle starting on 01 January 2023.
- Your current accrued points will be carried over to this cycle starting on 01 January 2023
- If a member earns more than 30 points in a 3 year cycle the surplus will be carried over to the next cycle.
- New members joining in the three year -cycle need to do pro-rata points based on remaining time left in the cycle.
- A Minimum of 10 CPD Points per year must be accrued in the three-year cycle.
- To Claim CPD Points the particulars should include amongst other:
- The full name of the Professional member and their Membership number
- The name and registration number of the accredited CPD service Provider
- The Service Providers detail
- The nature and level of the activity (Index of the content)
- The attendance starts and completion date.
3.6 Categories of Activities that qualifies for CPD Points - are:
1.1.1 Formal Training / Learning / Teaching / Mentoring:
This is training/learning that can be directly linked to the qualification framework, curriculum and or new repair methods and skills required to deliver a vehicle repair quantum.
Recommended Ratio for awarding CPD points 2-3 Hours = 1 CPD Point (10 Points is a Minimum of 20 Hours Training)
1.1.2 Complementary Formal Training/Learning/Teaching/Mentoring:
This is training not directly linked to the qualification framework/curriculum and can also include training on tools, systems and instruments, amongst other, that is needed to optimize operation efficiency to produce accurate and cost-effective quantum.
Recommended Ratio for awarding CPD points 4-6 Hours = 1 CPD Point (10 Points is Minimum of 40 Hours Training)
1.1.3 In-Formal: Industry Events/Activities:
Industry related activities, seminars, meetings including VDQGBSA Annual General Meeting, etc.
Recommended Ratio for awarding CPD points 8-16 Hours = 1 CPD Point (10 Points is Minimum of 40 Hours Training)
1.2 Categories of Activities that do not qualify for CPD Points – are:
- Time spent on Planning, organising, or facilitating any activity except facilitation of training.
- Non referenced letters to the Editor of accredited journals.
- Written assignments.
- Compilation of student training manuals for internal use.
- Staff and administrative meetings.
- Tours and or viewing of exhibits and demonstrations relevant to vehicle damage quantification.
17 Clarkson Street, Broadlands, Cape Town, 7140
Establish by the People for the People
POPIA and your personal information
Your privacy is of the utmost importance to the VDQGBSA, and we would like to take this opportunity to assure you that all personal information is controlled, securely stored and handled with care.
Should you want to unsubscribe from this list or if there are any changes to your contact details, we request that you please unsubscribe / update your information by emailing info@vdqgbsa.co.za
We wish to thank you for taking the time to assist us in keeping your personal information safe.
Thank you for your continued support and we hope that you benefited from the updates!!
The content of this message contains privileged and confidential information intended only use of the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are hereby notified that you may not disseminate, copy, or take any action based on the contents thereof; and are kindly requested to inform the sender immediately. Any views expressed in these messages are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the view of the Vehicle Damage Quantification Body of South Africa. While every care has been taken in preparing this document, no representation, warranty or undertaking (expressed or implied) is given, and neither responsibility nor liability is accepted by any member of the Vehicle Damage Quantification Body of South Africa as to the accuracy of the information contained herein, or for any loss arising from reliance on it.